“My (new) world”
The photographs of the workshop were put together to a touring exhibition. Enquiries to Landesjugendwerk der AWO Thüringen.
The photographs of the workshop were put together to a touring exhibition. Enquiries to Landesjugendwerk der AWO Thüringen.
the website now explains our intercultural photo project online
Interview about my project »My (new) world«
Working on the book concept with the graphic designer Saskia Köhler.
For a long time I was working on depression. The german publishing house Hatje Cantz is going to publish my work as a book. I am looking forward to the collaboration. “Mal gut, mehr schlecht. (Some good, more bad)” is going to come out in spring 2017.
opening: 12th of May 2016, 7pm
exhibition: 12.5.-19.6.2016, CCS-Galerie, Suhl/Germany
our story about Janina in the German magazine STERN
»Bitte Warten…«
opening:11.02.2016, 19 Uhr
exhibition: 11.2.-31.3.2016, Freelens Galerie Hamburg/Germany
“YEA – Young Erfurt Artists #7“
opening: 12.2.2016, 20 Uhr
exhibition: 12.02. – 28.03.2016, Kunsthaus Erfurt
our work about depression in “Stern Ratgeber“