Festival Fotografischer Bilder
In October 2020 I was allowed to introduce my photographic work in Regensburg.
In October 2020 I was allowed to introduce my photographic work in Regensburg.
A new level arises when photography and illustration merge. The Erfurt creatives Nora Klein and Suse Schweizer tried it…
Thüringer Allgemeine
Photographic images about depression
The current podcast about our work “Some good, more bad.” in the series “New Thinking Photography”
The BARMER health insurance company has agreed to continue funding our Germany-wide lecture tour. So Sabine Fröhlich and I will be doing anti-stigma work on the subject of depression for the next 2 years. Events
We (Suse Schweizer and I) are going to start a new project.
It´s a combination of illustration and photography.
Thanks a lot to Kulturstiftung des Freistaats Thüringen for supporting us!
When do I say NO to a job?
You can find my answer in issue 18.
I work in New Zealand from December 2019 to April 2020.
What an atmospheric and appropriate to the topic venue we had last night in Leipzig in the „Moritzbastei“. A big thank you to the association „Leipziger Bündnis gegen Depression e.V.“ for bringing us here.
Many comments of the evenings discussion-round did refer to Sabine Fröhlich‘s great openness towards her personal handling of the illness. Participants stated this has been very impressive, supporting and helpful to get a better understanding of what being depressive really means.
© Sebastian Bammel
„I would have loved to participate at your important project, Miss Klein. Your sensitive approach combined with a lot of respect for the illness Depression as well as the participants that took part, is highly encouraging.“ This is one quote that was shared after our presentation of the inside world of depression.
A huge thank you for this and many more personal statements that enriched our discussion-round in Freiburg, where we were invited to the citytheatre of Freiburg.